A term we often hear from clients and friends is “oh, this plant is the weed of the desert”. Not only are they incorrect but the negative views & actions of these desert flora can harm the sensitive and unique environment. Many people view certain plants here as weeds, maybe because of something they once heard from someone else, or because most of us are used to typical plants from other parts of the world, more traditional plants we often see in photos and paintings of lush green landscapes. So when people see the unique plants of the desert and how they behave they think they are weeds, but in fact they are not. It's important to remember that everything serves a purpose, it wouldn't be here without reason. It's a vital part of co-existing and creating a functioning balanced ecosystem.
Sadly many people have been trained to see plants deemed as a weed and want to immediately pull it. Honestly the only difference between a weed and a flower is a judgment. “Weeds” actually serve a great function especially in the desert. What may look unappealing in traditional terms is a normal flower or plant in the desert, sometimes often a rare find, or one that doesn’t last long in its life cycle that could really benefit the unique ecosystem here. Many people all over the world mistake normal plants growing in their yard as a weed, simply because it’s growing there and they aren’t sure where it came from. There seems to be an assumption that if a wild plant is growing in your yard, it’s a weed. Well, all the plants in your yard are actually “wild” as in a normal and natural process of nature. Nature does not have limits, our society may create boundaries and borders of property lines but Mother Nature does not. A seed is a seed and it may go wherever the wind blows it.
It's understandable that some plants may harm our tended gardens and they need to be removed. Some may look unappealing or even can cause damage from their thorn pods. The best and most effective way of removal is by hand. Pulling the plant from its base and removing the roots from the soil. It is made easier if the soil has been moistened. Especially after a nice long rain. If you've let the plant go to seed then they may be making another appearance next year, but like nature, some things can't be helped or tamed. Using chemicals does not do anything to prevent weeds especially in regards to their seeds. Actually not only is "weed killer" a sales ploy to get you to spend money but it's extremely dangerous and damaging to the Earth and us. It can take years for the chemicals to disappear, if at all. They harm the local plants and insects and do nothing to truly remove weeds. Even if you use it, more than likely you will still need to pull them out by hand and the next year.
Every time pesticides and chemicals are sprayed, especially to flowers, bees collect that infected pollen to bring back to their hive to make honey. (in case you didn't know, bees use their saliva to make honey, which they too eat). If one bee comes into contact with poison, the entire hive dies. And if that honey is collected for consumption, you too are eating honey that's been infected with chemicals and poison. Without bees, we would not survive. In fact in many countries we are already seeing "pollinator" jobs. People who have to pollinate the plants to make fruit and vegetables. This is why it's so important to feed our pollinators with native, organic plants and use safe natural methods instead of toxic chemicals for our homes.
Our goal at Desert Nurture is to create a loving, safe, & natural environment around your home, for you and the wildlife to enjoy so our world can flourish in a healthy thriving ecosystem. We offer safer options for those who need weed removal around their homes and offices. Please reach out to us to find out more, we would love to hear from you! Ask us about other options for all natural weed prevention.

(globe chamomile)
© Desert Nurture LLC